Tuesday, March 17, 2015

DIY Rosewater and Glycerine Hand Lotion

As the days get longer, we start to venture outside and begin tending to the garden and outdoor projects. While we crave that time to be outdoors again, the lingering cold and damp can be tough on our hands.

My grandmother swore by a blend of simple ingredients to keep her hands protected from the elements. It includes vinegar, which helps restore the acid balance of the skin, while helping with absorption of the other ingredients.

Ingredients :
20 ml (1/2 fl. oz.) Rosewater
2 tsp Vegetable Glycerine
½ tsp White Wine Vinegar
½ tsp Honey (for best results use a runny honey, not solid)
10 drops Lemon Essential Oil

Preparation :
Mix all the ingredients together in a 2 fl. oz. bottle. Shake well before each use.

-Nancy Mayne, Director of Wellness