Friday, May 29, 2015

Tips for Growing Amazing Backyard Tomatoes

Gardening season is in full swing! Every year, I plant several varieties of tomatoes. Have you ever had tomatoes split on the vine? Or, they just won’t turn red? Here are a few helpful tips for growing luscious red tomatoes. 

  1. Don’t over water! This is the most important part of growing tomatoes. Since tomatoes are water-based, drowning the plants in water only water-logs the roots, creating an overfull vine and fruit. Water your tomatoes only when the soil feels dryer, not when it is damp or even semi-damp.
  1. When planting, remember using a tomato cage or fence will help stabilize your plants as they grow.
  1. Take time out of your busy day to actually go look at the plants. Are there black spots on the leaves? Are your tomatoes red? If they are red, pull them to eat before they burst. Are they a dark orange, almost red? Pull them, set them in a pan near a window with sunlight. They will ripen. Do you notice any bugs? Ants? Little black beetles? Treating an infestation early is always a good idea, especially with tomato plants.
Treating an Infestation:
    1. Use new mulch or compost every season. Ridding the garden beds of old mulch, weeds, dry leaves, etc. will help prevent a bug infestation. Also, remember that if you are using mulch, lay it before planting. Tilling your mulch into the soil is also a good idea if you want to use mulch. Personally, I have always used compost or a good quality soil if I need the extra dirt for my garden. Usually tilling is enough.
    2. Plant marigolds. Marigolds naturally repel many insects, including mosquitoes. Also, planting Citronella is a great idea not only to keep your garden insect-free, but also for humans and pets.
    3. Keep your foliage and compost areas dry! Wet compost and foliage encourages insect growth – particularly mosquitoes.
  1. Watering on a consistent basis is crucial. Tomatoes require about 2 inches of water per week. Check the soil every day – morning and evening. Right after dawn and dusk are the best times to water. Never water your garden during peak sun hours – between 10 am and 2 pm.
Tomato and Feta Salad

2 medium ripe tomatoes, sliced
1 ounce Feta cheese, crumbled
2 fresh leaves Basil, chopped
1 teaspoon Olive Oil
Pinch of salt

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Chill before serving.

- CJ LaRose, Senior Supervisor