Kind Organics Multi-Vitamins
Kind Organics is a certified organic, non-gmo, whole food
multivitamin with a concentration of nutrients that come from real food.
Real food from organic apples, strawberries, lemons, spinach, blueberries
and tomatoes. Over 30 fruits, vegetables and herbs making them rich
in plant-derived phytochemicals and cofactors such as antioxidants,
carotenoids, flavanols, isoflavones, catechins, anthocyanins, polyphenols,
vitamins and trace minerals. The packaging is renewable energy
with recycled packaging materials and vegetable inks on forest
friendly paper. This is an excellent mutivitamin for anyone seeking
energy and support from food sources.
Vegan Teriyaki Udon Noodles
-Victoria, Baker
A new item in the deli cold case has rocketed to the top of my list of favorites: the Vegan Teriyaki Udon Noodles. While the summer weather might be too warm to enjoy this dish hot, these noodles are equally scrumptious chilled. What really stands out is our in-house teriyaki sauce which, unlike a lot of commercial sauces I have tried, isn’t overly sweet. The recipe also uses toasted sesame oil which gives the noodles a subtle smokiness. Broccoli, carrots, and scallions give the dish color and crunch, while seasoned tofu diversifies the texture and brings the warm, spicy-sweet flavors of Asian Five Spice. Often used in Chinese cuisine, this spice blend contains cinnamon, fennel, cloves, star anise and white pepper. If you love noodles and Asian food like I do, I recommend that you give this new dish a try! You’ll be happy you did.
EO Bath Salts
-CJ, Supervisor

Captain Dan
-Claudia, Head Buyer
Recently, I was listening to Terry Gross on NPR’s “Fresh Air” interviewing Paul
Greenberg. Mr. Greenberg was addressing
the plight of seafood in the United States ,
a topic he has researched quite thoroughly for his two books: American
Catch, The Fight for our Local Seafood and Four Fish, The Future of the Last Wild
Food. I was shocked to find out that
91% of the seafood American’s consume comes from abroad.
We export millions of tons of our wild
Alaskan salmon and import mostly farmed salmon. And some of our wild Alaskan
salmon is actually sent to China ,
defrosted, boned, refrozen and sent back to us to consume.
Since I am a real fan of salmon, it is a comfort to me to be
able to reach into our freezer at The Healthy Grocer and grab a package of
Captain Dan’s Wild Alaskan Salmon. Captain Dan spends his summers catching the salmon in Alaska . The fish is cleaned packed and frozen right
there on location. That’s as fresh as
you can get it! And that is why it is
the most amazing salmon you will ever taste.