What is in our food? How does it affect our bodies? We are already aware of the role nutrients play in keeping the body healthy. We know protein is the building block of life. But what is the difference between GMO and Non-GMO foods, and how does that affect us?
GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) is commonly referred to when creating crop plants to be eaten from molecular biology techniques. An example would be taking a gene from a tomato that is super red and inserting it in the gene of an apple - thereby creating a new type of apple that would be incredibly red.
There is alarm over GMO's in most foods. The FDA in 1992 established that GMO foods were "substantially equivalent" to conventional foods. However, there was little research done.
Today, outside groups against GMO foods are speaking out against the process and the health risks involved. One French study shows GMO foods lead to liver damage. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine indicated GM foods pose a serious health rish. Studies in animals who were fed GMO food show a potenitally pre-cancerous cell growth and higher death rates.
So, if GMO potentially present a health benefit, why create and sell GMO foods? Europe currently has the greatest ban of GMO foods - 174 regions, but are limited to banning them outright. The World Trade Organization mandates that GMO foods cannot be officially banned, so it is up to the local governments to make such a bold move.
At The Healthy Grocer, we believe in providing area residents and visitors with options for living a healthy lifestyle. We are fully committed to quality and you! That is why at The Healthy Grocer, we are 99% Non-GMO. Visit our online or physical store and check out our many manufacturer products that are Non-GMO.